Sunday, October 11, 2020

Why Hillary Clinton Will GoDown as One of the Strongest, Most Beautiful Humans of All Time.

It's strange that the 2020 election is what is reminding me that Hillary Clinton is probably the most qualified person ever, to not get to the job. In 2012 I voted for Romney. 

When Hillary ran against trump I voted for her. I regret I didn't vote when I was 19, for Obama. I don't remember giving her a second thought in 2008.

America is a white country, it's more than that, but at its heart that's what is. African culture and Native American culture have deeply intwined with the European blood of the country. 

The country is tied to the legacy of England where decades of womanly reign have even extended to the executive offices of the nation. With this heritage, how could America miss the chance at Clinton?

We have to take a moment to remember the great contribution of Hillary Clinton to the history of civilization. Time rushes and we rush with it.. from one year to the next, and current events find themselves inextricably intertwined with currency itself. 

Hillary Clinton was the perfect intersection of heritage, business, temperament, modernity, seriousness, patience, forgiveness, and countable more attributes that define the very best of America's institutional past. At the same time she was an embodiment of a promise to acknowledge all of the faults in that same legacy.

2020 frames Bush Jr as reasonably corrupt but calm, Obama as the most presidential since Washington, and Hilary as the best almost president.  It reminds me, take nothing for granted, and let nothing slide.